Dallas Paternity Attorneys
Experienced & Compassionate Dallas Parental Rights Lawyer
If the parentage of your child is contested, we can help with the legal steps to prove or disprove paternity.

Though the process isn’t always easy—legally or emotionally—our Dallas paternity lawyers support our clients every step of the way, through research, fact-finding, the courtroom, and beyond.
Are you facing issues establishing paternity or your parental rights in Dallas? Request a complimentary consultation Garza Law Firm to learn about the first steps in your paternity case. Call (214) 225-4344 or contact us online today.
Establishing Paternity in Dallas: Your Legal Guide
There are several ways to establish paternity and obtain parental rights in the state of Texas, including:
- If a child’s mother is married, her husband is automatically considered the legal father of her child.
- If someone other than the mother’s husband is alleged to be the father, all parties involved must sign an Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP).
If there is any dispute about paternity:
- An alleged father can go through the Office of the Attorney General to file a petition to establish a biological father.
- At that point, it’s relatively easy to prove paternity—a simple cheek swab test is performed by a certified agency. Reliable DNA results are available within a few weeks.
Understanding Parental Rights in Dallas
Establishing paternity allows a father to take full advantage of his parental rights. In Texas, parental rights include:
- Custody and visitation rights with your child: This includes the right to make decisions regarding their child's care, custody, and control.
- The right to provide and/or collect financial support: Parents have a legal obligation to provide financial support for their children, including paying child support payments.
- Decisions on education: This means that parents have the right to make educational decisions for your children, including where they attend school and what type of education they receive.
- Access to medical records: Parents have the right to make medical decisions for their children, including whether to consent to medical treatment or elect for a different form of care.
- Decisions on religious upbringing: Parents have the right to raise their children in their chosen faith.
Disproving Paternity in Texas: What You Need to Know
To disprove paternity, a petitioner’s supporting affidavit must show that the legal father:
- Is not the genetic father of the child
- Was mistakenly named the legal father of the child
- Believed he was the father of the child due to misrepresentation
- Did not adopt the child
- Did not use assisted reproduction to conceive the child with the child’s mother
- Was not the intended father under a gestational agreement
A man may mistakenly be named the legal father of the child if he believed he was the father and signed an AOP without taking a genetic test. Alternatively, if the man does not contest parentage, a court order may be used to name a man the legal father of the child.
If mistaken paternity can be proved, Texas courts may terminate the duty to pay child support.
Get Legal Help with Your Paternity Case Today
We know paternity can be a complicated and emotionally difficult subject. No matter your situation, Garza Law Firm, LLLP can provide the legal support you need to find out the truth and have it acknowledged in court.
You are not alone. Contact our Dallas parental rights and paternity lawyers online or by calling our firm at (214) 225-4344 to schedule a consultation now.

Why Choose Us?
Advocating for Your Best Interests
- Versatile Legal Style We adapt to the specific needs of you and your family. We provide compassionate attention while fighting to protect your best interests.
- Caring, Personalized Attention Every family has a unique circumstances that requires a personalized approach. We will work with you and your loved ones to create positive outcomes.
- Family Helping Family We understand the meaning and importance of family. As children, we experienced divorce and its effects. Our goal is to make the legal process as smooth as possible for you and your family.